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VAT Planning and Disputes

Need help to beat the VATman?

Compliance with VAT is becoming ever more complex. Investigations from the VAT Man can be intense - all the more important that you have an accountant who is successful in negotiations with them.

We take best advantage of the reliefs available and the interpretation of the regulations. This is an extremely important feature of the service provided as it ensures peace of mind for all our clients.

We can help you with VAT in the following ways...

  • Applying for and advice on VAT registration
  • Advice on the VAT schemes suitable to your business
  • Completion of VAT returns - either from your books or we can do the bookkeeping for you. By letting us complete your VAT return it ensures that it will be accurate and that you don't miss any opportunities to claim the VAT you should
  • Dealing with VAT control visits
  • Dealing with any contentious disputes that arise with Customs

Next Step:

Please contact us if you need further advice, have any questions about our services, or would like a free consultation.